3 Ways Acupuncture Supports Fertility
Acupuncture has been used for gynecological issues for thousand of years, including irregular or absent menstrual cycles, painful periods, PMS, fertility issues, and menopausal symptoms. If you and...
Natural Treatment of Low Back Pain
Low back pain is extremely common, with 80% of people having at least one episode of low back pain in their lifetime. Most back pain is not a serious medical problem. However, it can majorly impact...
Suffering From Neuropathy?
Suffering from neuropathy? You're not alone. Read below to find out more about neuropathy and an important treatment option that you need to try. What is neuropathy? Neuropathy describes disease or...
Holidays Got You Stressed?
Holidays got you stressed? There's acupuncture for that! When the body feels stressed, physically or emotionally, the 'fight or flight' response kicks into full gear. The 'fight or flight' response...
Secrets to a Good Night’s Sleep
For some, a good night of sleep comes naturally. For others, sleep can be a constant battle, but all of us struggle with sleep at one time or another. Sleep is an important time for your body to...
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
One of the most common questions I get asked is, "how many treatments will I need?" The answer to this question depends on many different factors. How long have you had this issue? For new or acute...
5 Immune Boosting Tips to Stay Healthy
With all the unknowns in the world right now, it is important to focus on things you can control - like self care. It's more important than ever to make sure you're taking care of your body,...
After FOUR long weeks of closure due to COVID-19, the office is finally open again! The past few weeks have been difficult as I have so missed seeing all of my wonderful patients and being able to...
3 Reasons to Try TCM for Your Digestive Issues
According to the National Institutes of Health, 60-70 million people in the United States are affected by digestive issues including chronic constipation, gastroesophageal reflux disease, Crohn's...