What is acupuncture and how can it help you?
Originating over 3,000 years ago in ancient China, acupuncture and herbal medicine served as the primary form of health care for many years, used to treat a whole host of illnesses and ailments. Although acupuncture is not yet fully understood by Western science, current research continues to show its’ effectiveness in treating a wide variety of conditions.
An acupuncturist gently inserts very, very thin needles into the skin at various points and in combinations that stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue and increases blood flow. This triggers the body’s natural painkillers as well as a whole cascade of other hormones and neurotransmitters.
Affinity Acupuncture specializes in women’s health, natural hormone balancing, fertility, and holistic health. Read more about some of the conditions we specialize in below.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture uses tiny needles to stimulate the body’s healing ability. No one knows how to heal your body better than your body. Acupuncture brings the body back to a state of homeostasis, encouraging the body to function optimally in order to heal and repair. Acupuncture addresses the underlying root of the issue to not only address symptoms but also improve overall wellbeing.
Will it hurt?
No! The needles used are comparable in width to a single strand of hair, making the experience very comfortable. Many come in very nervous for their first treatment but find the whole experience to be essentially painless and even relaxing.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes! Acupuncturists are highly trained and specialized in needling therapy. An acupuncturist must obtain at least a Master’s degree in acupuncture and pass national board exams before becoming licensed. The needles used are high quality, sterile, and single-use, making the entire experience very safe.
What can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture treats a wide variety of conditions. It is especially effective for pain of any kind. However, acupuncture can address more than just pain including fertility, hormone imbalances, PMS, stress, anxiety, digestive issues, sleep struggles, and so much more! See here for more info.
With acupuncture treatments, we focus on your main complaint but also address the entire body. Often, patients see improvements in their main complaint as well as in areas such as digestion, stress, or sleep.
What services do you offer? (+pricing info)
At Affinity Acupuncture, we offer acupuncture and integrative medicine. Each treatment is tailored specifically to you so we can get you back to living your best life! Visit the services page for more details.
Acupuncture/Dry Needling:
New Patient (75 minutes) for $160
Return Patient (60 minutes) for $110
Vitamin B-12 (5 minutes) for $20
MICC (5 minutes) for $30
Trigger Point Injections (add-on) for $40
Red Light & Infrared Therapy:
Single session of red light + infrared (20 minutes) for $40
10 session package of red light + infrared for $250
How do I get started?
The first step to better health is to book an appointment! At your first visit, we’ll discuss your main reasons for seeking treatment as well as overall health. We’ll answer any questions you may have and recommend a comprehensive treatment plan to help you reach your health goals.
Let’s get you back to living your best life. Book online today or call/text the office at (406) 272-0474!
Do you accept insurance?
Affinity Acupuncture has decided to transition to a cash-based model, effective January 1, 2025. This change allows us to provide more personalized care, without restrictions often imposed by insurance. Additionally, this allows us to provide clear pricing without any hidden fees or surprises.
Affinity Acupuncture has a deep commitment to providing you with the most personalized, effective, and meanful healthcare experience possible. We believe this change will allow us to better serve you in that way.
As of January 1, 2025, payment for all services will be due at the time of service. Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted including HSA and FSA. Detailed receipts (superbills) are available upon request so you can still seek reimbursement from your insurance provider.
Acupuncture Research
Research Update: Acupuncture for Migraines
Acupuncture Research A 2020 systematic review looked at seven clinical trials comparing acupuncture treatment to standard pharmacological treatment. After examining the results of all these studies,...
Research Update: Moxibustion and Dysmenorrhea
A study conducted by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has determined that the use of moxibustion at specific days during a woman’s menstrual cycle can decrease pain...
Acupuncture vs. Dry Needling – What’s The Difference?
Dry needling is increasing in popularity. In 2016, dry needling by physical therapist in Montana became legal and now chiropractors are beginning to add it to their scope of practice as well. So,...