At Affinity Acupuncture, we strive to provide top notch services that deliver results! With acupuncture, we find so much success with anything from aches and pains to fertility. But, the body needs more than just acupuncture for optimal health. We want more than just...
September is PCOS Month. At Affinity Acupuncture, we see many cases of PCOS and we find that most women don’t receive enough education or resources around this diagnosis. PCOS is a common issue in women, but sadly few conventional treatment options exist....
April 23-29 is Infertility Awareness Week Did you know that approximately 1 in 8 couples have difficulty getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy? Approximately 30% of these couples will be diagnosed with “unexplained infertility.” This means they cannot...
Are you thinking about trying to conceive? Or maybe you’ve been trying but experiencing some struggles? Maybe you’ve moved into IUI or IVF? Fertility struggles can be overwhelming. It is such an exciting time, but it can be very frustrating when things...
What The Research Says A 2009 study examined the outcomes of IVF cycles for 800 women and found that the chance of success was related to chronic stress levels. They concluded that chronic stress levels may have a negative effect on follicle development in an IVF...
Acupuncture has been used for gynecological issues for thousand of years, including irregular or absent menstrual cycles, painful periods, PMS, fertility issues, and menopausal symptoms. If you and your partner have been struggling to get pregnant, acupuncture is an...